Manisha Neupane

Latest from Manisha Neupane

Here comes Hetchhakuppa!

Hetchhakuppa, currently showing at the Mandala Theatre, builds on Kiranti folklore and makes for an entertaining hour-long experience

Not quite in the bag

The new film Jholay doesn’t sweep one away, but it proves several notches better than the average Nepali comedy, and is pretty funny for the most part

Burned alive

What makes the newly-released Jhola such a moving watch is not simply the competent manner in which it is able to portray the terrible practice of Sati in rural Nepal

The elusive producer

The Janak Deep Parajuli-directed Producer boasts an engaging first half that delves into the harsh realities encountered by aspiring filmmakers, but rolls downhill post-intermission

Two lives

The new play Sphatik, a presentation of Sarwanam Theatre’s trainees, revolves around two characters whose paths might appear divergent on the surface, but who are both struggling to be accep

On he who has a good heart

Some films, in spite of the fact that they have been made with the very best of intentions, go wrong; weak script and unconvincing execution are often to blame in this regard.

Comic distress

The amount of pre-release hype Cha Ekan Cha received certainly raised audience expectations.

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