Rabindra Upreti

Rabindra Upreti is the Mahottari correspondent for Kantipur Media Group.

Latest from Rabindra Upreti

Project halts milk purchase, causes chaos

Nearly 5,000 litres of milk is being wasted on a daily basis after Janakpur Milk Distribution Project in Dhanusha stopped buying milk from local farmers. The project stopped buying milk from mid-July and has affected the livelihood of hundreds of people in the district.

Farmers padlock sugar mill in Mahottari

Sugarcane famers of Mahottari district have intensified their protest against Everest Sugar Mill demanding payment for their crop. The protest was held after the mill failed to release the payment of around Rs1.78 billion to sugarcane farmers, who had supplied the crop this year.

Congress to throw weight behind Thakur

The Nepali Congress (NC) on Sunday withdrew the candidacy of Bajranga Nepali in Mahottari-3 in Province 2 to support Mahantha Thakur, coordinator of the Rastriya Janata Party-Nepal (RJP-N).

Resurgence of monsoon raises farmers’ hopes

A resurgence of the monsoon after a long drought has brought smiles to the faces of farmers in most parts of the eastern Tarai. The extended dry spell during the key paddy transplantation period has affected most paddy fields in the region. Weathermen have forecast more rain for the next two days. They have also issued a heavy rain warning for some districts in the Eastern and Central regions.

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